Sunday, May 15, 2016

Back on the Wagon!

Tomorrow is the day!!! My team starts our next online Challenge Group.  Many of us are going to start Insanity Max 30 again.  Some of us will be doing it for the first time.  And others will be doing Shaun T's other new program called CIZE.  But, what is that we are all going to be starting on Day 1 of our programs...and be there for each other along this journey to getting healthy.

I just had to throw in this picture...I mean...because why not!  #lovemesomeShaunT

Are alot of coaches? Yes...because we like the discount we get on these fabulous products and that #superfoodcrack I call Shakeology.  BUT the main reason we are in this group and continue to join these for the support, the motivation, the love, the accountability, the place to feel like it's ok to vent about how hard it is to do this each and every day.  We are all regular people...wanting to lead a regular life...but also need the support and accountability from each other just as much as the people we are trying to help.

Are alot of the people in the group new to fitness?  New to taking ownership of their nutrition? YES.

We all know that working out and eating right is the key to success.  There aren't any magic pills that will make you wake up one day and be 10 lbs. lighter.  You have to put in the work.  I've never had a problem working out...when I get off's in the kitchen.  So I'm back...

Those little color coded containers were out and in use today and will continue to be throughout this group.  I did not buy my ice cream at the store today.  I threw out the left over icing and graham crackers that I used for a Mother's Day dessert last weekend.  I HAVE to get that mindset that YOU CAN'T OUT WORK A BAD DIET!

I've got a salad with tomatoes and salad shrimp to each for lunch each day.  I used the green (veggie) and red (protien) container to portion out the proper amount per serving or each.  I also have portions of carrots and tomatoes that I will eat with hummus (blue container) for a snack.  I've got strawberries and cottage cheese for another snack later in the afternoon.  We can't forget my Shakeology in the morning for breakfast.  And I've got hard boiled eggs (not pictured) to snack on as well. I don't care about eating the same thing each day for breakfast and lunch.  I like the food.  I like how it makes me feel.  And this plan works for me.  WHEN I STICK TO IT! 

Dinner will be some protein...probably chicken or salmon.  Carbs...rice or tortilla probably.  And some steamed veggies.  Of course I will be supplementing with my Beachbody Performance Line as well. I enjoy drinking the Recover right after my workout and the Recharge right before bed.  

No longer am I going to say that it's because of birth control that I've gained some weight.  While that may be true...the sour patch kids, the ice cream, cookies, and donuts that I continued to say "oh heck...why not"...are the real reason for how I feel right now.  Back on the wagon? Yep!  

Stay tuned throughout the next 2 months for how my journey unfolds!  And of course...if you want to join us. Reach out to me.  Email, Facebook, Text...they all work and I would be happy to help you get started.  

Find me by clicking a link below!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

IN I MUST GO - My Story - Part 2 - My Body

My Story continues...

Last week I talked about how the crazy D-word has taken a pretty good toll on my emotions.  They have been up and down and up and down...for what seems like forever.

And as you can body was on that roller coaster as well.  When things were body felt good. When things were literally in the body felt like it was in the toilet as well.

I had lost about 45 lbs over the course of 3-4 years and held steady around 140-143 lbs for roughly 2 years.

Well,'s an ugly thing.  Tears families apart, tears hearts apart, takes willpower that you had acquired and maintained for years...and tosses it out the window.

Throughout the process, I lost my willpower and ate just about anything I wanted.  And consumed way more adult beverages than what I should have.  But I was having fun with friends right? I was keeping myself busy right? That's what everyone kept telling me to do.  Have fun, you deserve it! Well...yes.  Initially, it was fun! But at the age of 34...extra calories, late night snacking, and not as much exercise...that packs on some pounds faster than you can imagine.

So I got mad...and said "That's enough".  This thing wasn't going to get the best of me.  So I committed to completing the Hammer and Chisel program. My Beachbody coaching team and I led an amazing group of challengers and I acted like a challenger instead of a coach.  Because honestly, coaches are challengers...and we just want to help others along the journey.  So anyway...I was mad. I got up early.  I busted my tail.  I didn't lose much weight because I was gaining muscle, but my body changed and I was feeling better.

You'd think that was the end body was feeling good again and all is well???  Haha!
Nope. Dating, second guessing your divorce, stress at work, and freaking BIRTH CONTROL...they all get you back off track. I hate being a female and just because I take a pill everyday...I am now 5-7 lbs heavier with nothing changing in my lifestyle. BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Maintaining a healthy weight is just as hard as losing the weight.  So currently...I'm back to needing to make some changes. You may think...why are you so hard on yourself? You look great! You're already skinny...why are you stressing?  Well...for clothes don't fit like they used to. I don't "feel" like I used to. I don't eat as healthy as I used to...and I can totally tell in my daily mood.

Monday...Monday the 16th...I'm getting back on track.  My team is hosting the group for Insanity Max 30 or CIZE and I love both programs.  Enough of the downhill side of the roller coaster.  It's time to climb again. (If you want to join's not too late. Find me on Facebook or email me at

I'm stronger than this.  I've been up and I've been down.  But what I'm most proud of is that I've stayed on the ride.  And by staying on the ride...I'm ready for the next climb.  I refuse to stay down. It's time to feel the wind...scream a little...and enjoy the thrill of seeing what the rest of this ride has in store for me.

My body will love me for it!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

“IN I MUST GO” – My Story – My Emotions

The story I’m making up:

So over the past year and half…my story that I’ve been making up in my head is WHY…WHY did I get divorced.  HOW did it happen? WHAT whet wrong? And when I talk with others who ask…the story that I share with them…well…is it really the truth? Is it really what happened? Or is it just my version? Is it what I have been telling myself to believe is true…so I can better cope with the situation?

We are human. It’s a natural reaction that we all do.  We want to feel like it’s not our fault.  We want to naturally place blame or think that it’s the other person’s fault.  Well…as much as I think that there are some things that my ex-husband could’ve done differently…way differently…I know that there are things I could have done as well. 

And to truly move on with life, to truly take a step forward…I can’t keep thinking the way I have been thinking.  I have to RECKON with the truth…”In I Must Go”…and RUMBLE around with the truth…to truly share “My Story”.  That way it won’t be made up…it won’t be my version…it will be my ACTUAL story. THEN…yes…THEN…I know I’ve made it to the other side and ready for another ride.

Our stories are made up of our emotions, our bodies, our thinking, our beliefs, and our actions.
Today…I will dig deep into my emotions!

My emotions:
Wow…emotions…boy do they ever take a toll on everything that comes down below in my story.  They have impacted my body, my thinking, my beliefs, and my actions.  Must be why they need to come first in My Story.

I started out feeling happy, confident, relieved, and completely content with life…when I left my teaching job and took on the role of Director of Public Education at our local fire department.  I also became a Beachbody Coach at the same time…and man on man…did I feel like I was on CLOUD 9.  I can truly think back to those 6 months of my life…and say they were the happiest I have ever been.

STOP! HALT! SHUT THE DOOR!  That is NOT how my ex-husband was feeling.  He had kept it in.  He had let it fester.  And well…one day…he let me know how he was feeling.  Initially…I felt like he was being selfish.  How could he not have been happy for me? How could he not see that I was the happiest I’ve ever been in life?  I couldn’t understand why it was impacting him so much. ----Fast forward through a year of hell (literal hell) and almost another year of being separated/divorced----and I have a different outlook on the whole thing.

Yes, he may have been being selfish.  BUT…so was I.  I was finally getting to do something that I wanted to do.  Something that I felt called to do.  And I was happy…so WHO CARES about everyone else right? They should be happy for me no matter what.  I mean…we were family right??? 
WRONG! ---BUT the story I’ve been telling myself…to make me feel better…to make me feel like it wasn’t my fault…is…---my family disowned me.  They didn’t care about me or my dreams.  They never asked how I was feeling.  NEVER. They completely dropped me.  How could they do that to me? I’ve given 10 years of my life to them…WHY couldn’t I do something for ME…just this once…I mean…it was going to help the ENTIRE family if I could just have some time to do what I wanted to do.  I knew I loved them with my whole heart.  So why were things happening the way they were?

Well…in the process of telling that story to myself…I completely lost my entire family, my world, my EVERYTHING. I had been selfish myself.  And let me tell you about emotions…remember…I was confident, happy, relieved, and excited…and in a matter of a few short months…it turned a big 180 degrees.  I became depressed, bitter, unmotivated, sad, and 2nd guessing everything that I thought I was put on this Earth to do.  I’m sure I wasn’t the best wife during all of those emotions either.  

Anyway…back to my emotions…they stayed that way for quite a long time.  And I will spare all of us the nitty gritty details of a divorce…but unfortunately…we divorced.  I’ve been learning to live life again in a whole new way.  No kids, no husband, no after school events, no late night game nights, no pool parties with neighbors, etc.  Life completely flip flopped on me and I’ve had a very hard time with it.  You know…those things called EMOTIONS…they seriously impact life.

BUT…with help of my family, friends, fit family, my ladies in the divorce group, reading personal development books…and the most important thing…finding my way back to having a relationship with the Lord…I have realized that I could’ve done a heck of a lot of things differently…and maybe it would’ve worked.  Maybe I’d still have my family that I loved so dearly.  But…that’s not the case anymore.  I can’t continue to live looking back in the past.  The future is in God’s hands…and HE has a plan for me.  One that I don’t even know yet…but what I do know…is that I have learned from this roller coaster of emotions.  I’ve learned from the past and I’m ready to go into this new plan HE has for me with confidence.

God has helped me turn back around.  I feel confident in who I am.  I know where my heart is and how much I have to offer.  I know that HE will lead me down a new path that will not only get me back to how I felt in those 6 months of life where I was my happiest…but HE will help me surpass those feelings.  As long as I continue to keep HIM close to me…I have no doubt it will come for me. 

Next week…my body…and yes…all of these emotions that I’ve just discussed…they had an effect that’s for sure…