Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Perfect Body

This post is going to be short and sweet.
I'm still reading "Do I Look Fat In This?" by Rhonda Britten

I spend about 10-15 minutes a day reading personal development.  So during my time today...I was actually given a task.  That was to draw the outline of what I thought would be the "Perfect Body".
I was then asked to label it with adjectives that would describe how I would think or feel if I had that body.

I'm not an artist...and she said to just "sketch" it out.  So...that's what I did. I sketched it out...and tried very hard on my phone to use my finger and make my "chest" small, yet still curvy.  Man oh I want a small chest. (Sorry to any males that are reading this...I hate my big chest.) Always have...and struggle to truly find the "sexiness" in them.  So my Perfect Body...has small boobs, a defined waist, toned and lean legs, and feels confident all the time.  Even in a swimsuit. :)

Now after I got done doing that...I turned the page...and was asked to sketch out what my "Perceived Body" looked like.  What did I think my body looked like when I looked in the mirror? Again, label it with adjectives and how I felt internally. This is what I sketched.

Sure...I'm muscular.  But I struggle to find tall boots that fit my big calves.  I can't wear very many "skinny" jeans because my quads are so muscular.  I would love to wear sports bras and tank tops and swimsuits that don't have to have a STEEL PLATE inside to support my "girls up top".  And for once...could they make bras in pretty colors...that also reduce the size of our breasts???  I mean...there has to be more than white, black, and nude, right?

I could go on and on...but as you can see.  There are some things that I need to work on.  I understand that plenty of people would enjoy the fact that my legs are so muscular.  How on Earth can I complain about that?  Some girls pay BIG money to have my size dare I hate them...and want to cut them off.

So...when I saw this book at the library...I knew this was the one for me.  I'm just getting into the meat of the book.  But I'm enjoying it.  It's making me think.  It's making me wonder if my Perfect Body is really that much different than my Perceived Body.  To me...I think it's my mentality that needs to change...not so much my body.  

What about you? Sketch your outlines...let me know your thoughts.  I'd love to connect with others that are struggling as well.  Let's do this together. :)

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