You'd think I'd be hating life due to not being able to have my Sour Patch Kids and Margaritas.
Well...I will say that I do want to partake in an adult beverage when I'm done to celebrate my commitment and dedication to making a change...but I'm truly not craving it at all.
WHY? Because I love how I FEEL currently. I don't crave the sugar and sweets like I was. I'm not tired and I feel good throughout the day. Eating like this has definitely shown me that the "other stuff" that we feed our bodies with...while it does taste good...doesn't really help us FEEL good.
I was struggling with bloating and feeling full. I was struggling with not wanting to workout. I was struggling with being moody. And in the 9 days that I've been on this reset...besides Day 2...I had a pretty bad headache...I've been in a great mood and feeling more calm, patient, and even more excited for just life in general.
Have I lost weight?...sure! Have I lost inches?...heck yes. Do my clothes fit better? Um...yes!
And look at this food!!!!

I've had to learn how to do a little cooking. But for someone who has never really been in the kitchen...these meals have been pretty easy to make.
I've also learned how to slice a honeydew. I never knew what Farina or Tempeh was...and now I do. So that is definitely something I've been enjoying...finding new foods and flavors that I never knew were out there. I will most definitely continue making some of these meals after the Reset. Especially the Southwestern Taco and the Seasoned Salmon.
And what..I made my own sushi...even rolled it in seaweed! I LOVE sushi! Know I know how to make it. Boom...BONUS!

So it's just fabulous and all unicorns and rainbows right????
haha...I can't say that about some of the supplements. Especially the Power Greens. Oh goodness...I do hate that time of day. 2:30 to be exact. But it's just mix and down the hatch they go. Blek!
Yep...they look pretty appetizing don't they? Oh well...I feel better and that's worth my few seconds of agony.
This is the start of Week 2 - The Release Phase

So we've added a Detox supplement..which isn't great...but way better than those Power Greens. Haha! It's taken 3 times a day. Actually need to get ready and take my last one for the day today. It has a lemon taste and it's not as bad as I thought.
The food this week is slowly transitioning me out of all grains so that next week I will be strictly on vegetables and fruits. I've not been hungry and I was even able to make it through my TurboKick certification on Saturday without feeling dead. I was worried about that. So like the title of this post was...Eat Great...Feel Great! It's so so so very true!
So here's to a new week of enjoying my time in the kitchen. To enjoying my time eating my food that looks so pretty I feel the need to take a picture of almost every meal.
What's tonight's dinner? Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque.
Who ever would've thought I would be cooking that? Those who know me...are probably laughing currently.
But I'm doing it. I'm determined and I feel great!
This section of the grocery's powerful...just saying!
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