Sunday, August 28, 2016

Running a Marathon and the Ultimate Reset? Are they the same?

How can a marathon and the Ultimate Reset be close to the same thing?

In my mind...yes, they are.  Runners train and train to get prepared for the marathon.  Then the day of the marathon...the physical skill will get them through the race...but more importantly...the mental game is where they really have to push through to succeed. When their legs are tired, feet are blistered, and their clothes give them a rash...they must push through.

But all those aches and pains just go out the window when they see that Finish Line, receive that finisher medal and begin sharing with others that they completed something that they've been training for all this time.

A sense of accomplishment comes over them.  A feeling of being proud of themselves overpowers them.  And what's funny...they typically want to run another race and start training soon after.

So it's Sunday night...Phase 2 is officially over and I've completed the first day of Phase 3.
Basically, I've ran a little more than a half marathon.  I've made it past that 13 mile mark.
Has it all been easy? No.  But has it all been hard? No way.

I've enjoyed all of the food, flavors...and the best part...the portion sizes I have been allowed to consume. The food is so colorful...does that make it taste better? I'm beginning to believe that it does.  That has been the easy part.  I actually want to eat the food.

And feeling and seeing results from all my hard work...that for sure makes me want to keep going. Inches and pounds have literally fallen off of me.  It's just been 2 weeks.  Easy right?

Nope..not all easy...last week was the Release Week. The Detox drink...was supposed to be taken 3 times a day...for all 7 days.  That took some mental toughness to do.  I'm not going to lie.  My feet may not have been blistered, and my legs may not have been hurting...but I needed to push through to consume each and every one of them. They were helping my results happen.  They were an integral part of the plan.  I was not going to be halfway through this marathon and just quit.  I signed up for the race...I'm going to complete it.

As much as I didn't like the Detox drink...I actually got pretty used to it and it wasn't that bad. (I'm probably making it sound worse than it was.) But the Power Greens...I'm still struggling with those. I deserve a Gold Medal for drinking those every day.  Haha! it's Week 3.  The Restore Week.  The final stretch. I can see the finish line.  No way, will I cheat now or give up on this journey.  This is the time to pick up my speed and head in strong to the finish.  New foods at the grocery store once again.  New recipes to try.  New flavor experiences for my taste buds to encounter.  I WILL complete this.

And it will be the first time EVER that I've completed anything from start to finish with NO CHEATS, NO MISSES, NO SPLURGES.

Will I want to celebrate? Yes.
Will I want to share my results? Yes.
Will I want to share with others? You're darn right!

I feel too amazing and have such great results that I would not be doing my humanly duty to tell you about this.
It's been life changing.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Eat Great...Feel Great!

I feel GREAT!  That's the truth!

You'd think I'd be hating life due to not being able to have my Sour Patch Kids and Margaritas.
Well...I will say that I do want to partake in an adult beverage when I'm done to celebrate my commitment and dedication to making a change...but I'm truly not craving it at all.

WHY? Because I love how I FEEL currently.  I don't crave the sugar and sweets like I was. I'm not tired and I feel good throughout the day.  Eating like this has definitely shown me that the "other stuff" that we feed our bodies with...while it does taste good...doesn't really help us FEEL good.

I was struggling with bloating and feeling full.  I was struggling with not wanting to workout.  I was struggling with being moody.  And in the 9 days that I've been on this reset...besides Day 2...I had a pretty bad headache...I've been in a great mood and feeling more calm, patient, and even more excited for just life in general.

Have I lost weight?...sure!  Have I lost inches?...heck yes.  Do my clothes fit better? Um...yes!
And look at this food!!!!

I've had to learn how to do a little cooking.  But for someone who has never really been in the kitchen...these meals have been pretty easy to make.

I've also learned how to slice a honeydew.  I never knew what Farina or Tempeh was...and now I do.  So that is definitely something I've been enjoying...finding new foods and flavors that I never knew were out there.  I will most definitely continue making some of these meals after the Reset.  Especially the Southwestern Taco and the Seasoned Salmon.

And what..I made my own sushi...even rolled it in seaweed! I LOVE sushi!  Know I know how to make it.  Boom...BONUS!

So it's just fabulous and all unicorns and rainbows right????
haha...I can't say that about some of the supplements.  Especially the Power Greens.  Oh goodness...I do hate that time of day.  2:30 to be exact.  But it's just mix and down the hatch they go.  Blek!

Yep...they look pretty appetizing don't they?  Oh well...I feel better and that's worth my few seconds of agony.

This is the start of Week 2 - The Release Phase

So we've added a Detox supplement..which isn't great...but way better than those Power Greens.  Haha!  It's taken 3 times a day.  Actually need to get ready and take my last one for the day today.  It has a lemon taste and it's not as bad as I thought.

The food this week is slowly transitioning me out of all grains so that next week I will be strictly on vegetables and fruits.  I've not been hungry and I was even able to make it through my TurboKick certification on Saturday without feeling dead.  I was worried about that.  So like the title of this post was...Eat Great...Feel Great! It's so so so very true!

So here's to a new week of enjoying my time in the kitchen.  To enjoying my time eating my food that looks so pretty I feel the need to take a picture of almost every meal.

What's tonight's dinner? Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque.

Who ever would've thought I would be cooking that?  Those who know me...are probably laughing currently.

But I'm doing it. I'm determined and I feel great!

This section of the grocery's powerful...just saying!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Why do the Ultimate Reset?

So, a few people have asked me..."Why are you doing the Ultimate Reset, you don't need to lose weight??? "

Well for many reasons actually. I'll list them below:

1. I've been struggling to lose some weight I gained from taking birth control.
2. I've been struggling to not feel bloated each day.
3. I've been struggling in the bathroom...sorry TMI!!
4. I've been struggling to feel "happy" in my own skin due to recent weight gain.
5. I've been struggling to workout. (WHAT???  Karen not workout???)

I know...who would have thought.  Well...I've been working out intensely for so long and getting no results that my mental capacity to think it was worth it...has literally run down.  I enjoy teaching my Insanity and PiYo classes, but is because I get to see my friends there.

I have added fiber into my diet two times daily.  I have added some metabolism boosters throughout the day. I have changed up my workouts to do more cardio. NOTHING is working.

Which has led to a VERY FRUSTRATED Karen on the inside.  I have tried to keep it inside and not let any of my challengers know that their "coach" has struggled to want to workout. I went to our Beachbody Coach Summit in Nashville and they explained the Ultimate Reset in a more in depth way than I had heard about it before.  I was hooked.  I cam home and immediately ordered it.  I think it's going to be my answer.

WHY? Why will it be just what I need? Why am I so excited for this?

Because the one thing that has held me back from doing it before..."not being able to workout while doing the Reset" has always turned me away from completing it. So NOW...right now...that is EXACTLY what I need.  I need a break.  My body needs a break.  I may not be physically working out for the next 21 days...but my body is going to be working out...internally.

It's going to help with my mood, my digestion, my emotions, my physical well being, my confidence...and I'll be darned if I'm not going to lose that last 5 lbs. that has been hanging on for dear life. I'm so ready for this...I literally need a RESET in all aspects of my life.

After 21 days...I can only imagine the drive I'm going to have to get in a good sweat session.  And from reading the booklet that comes with the Ultimate workouts will be more productive when my body is functioning like it's supposed to internally. that you know my WHY...what exactly did my day look like today? What will my week look like?

Phase One - Reclaim

During these first days I will be altering my diet and slowly taking away food like red meat and refined food that put stress on my digestive system.  I'll be adding in 4 of the 6 supplements from the Ultimate Reset.

I know for a fact I am one of the people they reference in the guide book that live their daily lives...dehydrated.  One of my biggest challenges will be drinking all the water that is required.  But...challenge accepted.  I'm ready for this!

I've read the articles about drinking water and how it helps with weight loss. it's just time I actually do it.

Am I starving? Nope. Not even close.  These meals have been amazing and for the "non-cook" that I am...pretty easy to make.

I can say that I've never eaten a turnip in a salad before.  I've never steamed kale. And homemade miso soup???  Yep...I did that too.  Tasted great! I felt full all day and enjoyed the process of making my meals.

If the rest of the meals are this good...I'll be looking forward to eating every day.  Plus...remember...I don't have to fit in my workout.  So...I can put sole focus on what I'm putting in my body and not worrying about what energy I'm exerting.

This will truly reset my thinking and I can't explain enough how much I think I need this right now.

Is there anything that I don't like as of right now?

Sure thing...the Power Greens...brutal truth...they are HORRIBLE!  But what do you stir it in 4 oz. of water...and you just take it down.  I started this plan...and I will follow it as directed.  It will be worth it.  I know the pay off will be bigger than the few seconds of nastiness I taste each day.

So there ya have it...I'm done eating at 6:30 pm.  Yes...6:30 pm.  No late night snacking.  No small handfuls of candy. Nothing until the morning!  This has to's like fool proof.  Just follow the plan.  Easy right?

Stay tuned for more! :) Want to join me?
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