I just had to throw in this picture...I mean...because why not! #lovemesomeShaunT
Are alot of coaches? Yes...because we like the discount we get on these fabulous products and that #superfoodcrack I call Shakeology. BUT the main reason we are in this group and continue to join these groups...is for the support, the motivation, the love, the accountability, the place to feel like it's ok to vent about how hard it is to do this each and every day. We are all regular people...wanting to lead a regular life...but also need the support and accountability from each other just as much as the people we are trying to help.
Are alot of the people in the group new to fitness? New to taking ownership of their nutrition? YES.
We all know that working out and eating right is the key to success. There aren't any magic pills that will make you wake up one day and be 10 lbs. lighter. You have to put in the work. I've never had a problem working out...when I get off track...it's in the kitchen. So I'm back...
I've got a salad with tomatoes and salad shrimp to each for lunch each day. I used the green (veggie) and red (protien) container to portion out the proper amount per serving or each. I also have portions of carrots and tomatoes that I will eat with hummus (blue container) for a snack. I've got strawberries and cottage cheese for another snack later in the afternoon. We can't forget my Shakeology in the morning for breakfast. And I've got hard boiled eggs (not pictured) to snack on as well. I don't care about eating the same thing each day for breakfast and lunch. I like the food. I like how it makes me feel. And this plan works for me. WHEN I STICK TO IT!
Dinner will be some protein...probably chicken or salmon. Carbs...rice or tortilla probably. And some steamed veggies. Of course I will be supplementing with my Beachbody Performance Line as well. I enjoy drinking the Recover right after my workout and the Recharge right before bed.
No longer am I going to say that it's because of birth control that I've gained some weight. While that may be true...the sour patch kids, the ice cream, cookies, and donuts that I continued to say "oh heck...why not"...are the real reason for how I feel right now. Back on the wagon? Yep!
Stay tuned throughout the next 2 months for how my journey unfolds! And of course...if you want to join us. Reach out to me. Email, Facebook, Text...they all work and I would be happy to help you get started.
Find me by clicking a link below!
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