I planned for them. I knew it might impede my progress forward. I knew in my mind that I wanted to enjoy the time with family and friends. New Year's Eve only happens once a year and I was invited to go out and celebrate. So therefore, I felt in order for this to be a lifestyle and not just a 60 day change for me...BALANCE is what was needed.
One night wasn't going to kill my results and I was able to have a great time and enjoy ringing in the new year. The cool thing is...is that I got on the scale today and I saw 148 lbs. I lost another 2 lbs!!!! Even with my splurge on New Year's Eve...AND 3 pieces of pizza on New Year's Day.
My thinking here is that I've built muscle. I've increased my metabolism. I've made it a priority in my life to workout and stick to the plan. I've eaten well on all the other days of the plan. THAT is how you make this work. You create a balance, a new lifestyle, and those changes will add up to BIG changes over time.

Is that it's been 28 days since I've had a piece of candy. No Sour Patch Kids, Starburst, Jellybeans, Jolly Ranchers, Skittles, etc. Candy is my ultimate weakness. And before this challenge started...I would make stops into CVS on an almost daily basis to splurge. WHY??? I have no idea. Truly...no idea. And I'm not talking a small little splurge. I mean, an ENTIRE bag of Sour Patch Kids...down the hatch. That's over 1000 calories in just my candy.
So not only have I stuck to the meal plan (minus my holiday treats on 3 days), but I've said no to candy. And honestly, I don't really miss it. Not like I'll never eat candy again, but this has been easier than I thought. I guess when you hit a place in your life that you just don't want to FEEL like you had been feeling anymore...it's easier to make some changes.
So do you want to join in? Maybe it's not Hammer and Chisel. Maybe you want to try the 21 Day Fix, or Cize, or PiYo. There are so many options that I would love to chat with you about that could get you started on your path to success in 2016. My online accountability groups provide support and accountability for those days that are tough.
Don't get me wrong...many times I just want to stop by McDonalds and get me a yummy order of french fries. I mean I drive by it every day on my way home from work. It's not all bells and whistles, but that's why having me as your coach and my team there to support you is something that could be LIFE CHANGING! Our next group is starting January 18th,

2. You must commit to both a Fitness program and replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for 30 Days.
3. You must actively participate in the daily group check ins.
4. You must have a strong desire to change your bad habits and a willingness to try new things.
I was skeptical at first if an at home fitness program would work. I saw those infomercials and I definitely thought that they were photoshopped. I decided to give them a try, to follow the nutrition plan, the workout schedule and do it to the T. Guess what, much to my surprise it worked and I never had to leave the house to go to the gym to get results.
That doesn't mean you have to give up your membership, or stop going to your favorite class...because working out is also something I enjoy for the social aspect of meeting others that are like me.
Are you in??? Ready to make 2016 your year??

Or maybe you think you'd love to help others get movtivated and inspired to live a healthy and active lifestyle...
Maybe you like social media...
Maybe you would like to learn about earning an extra income just for helping others...
Ask me how...Join Team Inspire the Fire by clicking HERE!